Pho in Praha
Czech cuisine can be quite heavy and with the weather being colder today (vs the rest of the week), soup sounded like a great idea. I "googled" pho and came up with Tuan Lan Pho Vietnam. Believe it or not, the Vietnamese community is the third largest ethnic community in the Czech Republic. Many Vietnamese came to Czechoslovakia during the communist period as guest workers invited by the communist government. Therefore, I figured the Pho might not be too bad and it wasn't. Unfortunately, the pho came in beef or chicken - no beef balls, tripe, tendon or rare steak but the broth and noodles were quite good. The bowl of soup cost 99 czech crowns (~ 5.50 USD). The restaurant was about a 50 minute walk one way and I got to see a lot of the non-tourist section of the city. I'm fascinated by the huge apartment buildings many of which date back to the late 1800's / 1900's. I can only imagine the lives of the people who have lived in those apartments over the past 100+ years.
Pho in Prague
National Museum |
Apartment buildings in Prague |
Vietnamese restaurant |
Old Pepsi advertisement |
Mexican Food in Praha
For dinner I decided on Mexican food and the food was not bad. I had an Al Pastor "burrito" - it was more like a quesadilla suiza than a burrito. I did enjoy the beans, guacamole, nopales and salsa on the side. I would have enjoyed it more had they been inside the tortilla. The bartenders and servers all spoke Czech, English and Spanish so I was quite at home.
Las Adelitas
Bar at Las Adelitas |
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